Thursday, August 21, 2014

Who are you?

     If you woke up today and someone asked you to describe the person you are, do you think you could successfully do this? Take this question and apply it to your style—at this moment, could you hammer down where your fashion loyalties lye so to speak?  I know personally for me, this was a hard question to answer for years as I operated in chameleon mode adapting to whatever setting I was placed in as if to be a part of the masses surrounding me.  If the groups surrounding me were an ocean, I became a drop of unnoticeable water.
      In Kentucky, the trend was blue jeans and simplistic tees, polos, natural (or at least appearing to be natural) hair colors, and toned down make up pallets. Guess what I wore—exactly this. I was afraid to be anything that made me unique. There was so many styles I wanted to venture out and try, but my fear of being different overwhelmed me and I didn't go for any  trends outside of my local surroundings. What if people judged me? What if I became an outcast?  The fears lied deep inside and placed a lock upon my creativity. The many pallets of color, textures that were waiting for me set there untapped.

     Right after high school I moved to the beach. Of course, county clothes are an unspoken language on the beach and so I adapted yet again. Did I make my own music, no. I followed the pace that had already been set. All of a sudden, I had Black hair, swim suits, board shorts, and was fake bakin'.  I even tried tanning beds and for a naturally fair complected person it led to nothing but burned skin and a couple of years later, biopsies at the dermatologist(which were luckily in my favor, but the fear of waiting was pretty painful in itself). No one could see me as I was disguised as just another person you pass. 
     After some time, I moved to the City.  The wonderful part about this is that being in a city, you are surrounded by a gumbo of different styles, fashions, and unique individuals.  Everyone is so different, no two drums played the same beat. Seeing all of these wonderful individuals made me think, was the person that I am in the fashion world represented in my closet? When I walked outside of my home, would people feel who I am, or would they get a carbon copy of someone else. After some time, my closet has developed my unique finger print.  I no longer play it safe and you are often to see a different picture painted every time you see me. One day, I might be wearing a vintage full skirt and pearls, then leather jeggings and stilettos, and after that there's a possibility of a pencil skirt and nude colored blouse the next day. I have discovered that my style is very vintage/eclectic.
     So, take this time to contemplate. Are you true to your inner style? If you see an approaching trend you're attracted to- like heavily jeweled tops or jeweled tone leather will you walk off the plank and dive into your adventurous self? Will you play it safe and be one of many? Do yourself a favor and be everything you can be! I can't wait to see what you do, when you are being everything you always wanted to be! In closing, feel free to follow me on twitter( @gildaredfashion ) and remember, Let your Fashionista Flag Fly!



Friday, August 15, 2014

The art of Twin-ing

     Siblings--when you're a child(if you are as lucky as I was) you were close to your Genetic Buddies.  My sister, Kristy and I are still close. We finish each other's(somewhere at this very moment she just said sentences).  There are many solid differences between the both of us in several ways. She's very outspoken and I'm more reserved, Kristy has a family and is a stay at home mom(her dream growing up) while I am trying to conquer all of my dreams for my career and I will worry about building my own family when it's the right time.  These blinding differences to our personalities have always been there, but for some reason, everyone always thought since we were sisters, we were exactly the same- this also applies to fashion(luckily my mom would let me wear most things I wanted to unless it was a family photo event or a holiday).
     There's a significant gap in my sister and I's age and that didn't phase family members from getting the both of us matching outfits that were really more appropriate for her age group. This isn't even the worst of it. I have pictures where we are styled in  matching overalls, turtlenecks, and scrunchie hair dos.  If you aren't seeing the trend, overalls for small children in the country(at least at this moment in time) were the equivalent of taking family pictures in white shirts and khakis. We were the equivalent of walking pop tarts.
    My point in this is that sometimes, siblings aren't involved in their fashion choices because the surrounding grown ups want to make them as adorable as possible. Would I go back and change it if I could-absolutely not. When I see my Mom or Granny look at these pictures I can feel their heart radiating such love and remembrance of days gone by. Their eyes being to swell and I know that dressing up in a Tweetie Bird Overall set was worth it a million times over. Sometimes, fashion moments that you wear belong to others whether it is for a family photo, a wedding, or because you have siblings- and this is okay. Just enjoy the memories you create.  Please feel free to share your sibling stories and pictures in the comments section or follow me on Twitter at @GildaRedFashion and as always Let Your Fashionista Flag Fly!

Thursday, August 7, 2014

This one's for Loalee

     Three and a half years ago, I first laid eyes on my beautiful niece, Loalee as she took her first breath in this world. So much time has passed since then and although I have had the privilege to teach her so many things in this world, I have probably learned more from her including in fashion. Every time she sees a new piece of clothing there's no pre existing judgment behind its history.  No thoughts of "is this article of clothing currently in or out of style". She makes it her own with no fear of how others will perceive her. Loalee is free to paint with every color pallet, wear white after Labor Day, and she never regrets whatever look she assembles.
     Even though it is so much fun rotating out wardrobes and following the next big trend, it is also just as much fun to feel the thrill of being unique and coloring outside the lines of fashion. Mix patterns, textured fabrics, colors that usually don't mesh well together.... take risks! Feel as if a child does in the sense of appreciating all unique styles of fashion and not typecasting an article of clothing.  Here's a piece of homework for you: Tonight, walk into your closet and don't think of the way you usually wear your go to pieces. Let go of any clothing stereotypes and feel the fabric beneath your fingers. Begin to build a style that has never graced your frame before. Think outside the box and wear it proudly, just for you and don't consider how anyone else perceives it. Just enjoy this fashion moment for yourself. 
     My beautiful niece(and her little brother) are the best things to ever happen to me for many reasons. Loalee has taught me how to look through child's eyes at so many garments I have had for years as if I were witnessing the detailed stitching, woven patterns, hem lines, etc. for the very first time. In closing-Loalee, sweetie, this one is for you my little lady and to everyone else: Let you Fashionista Flag Fly!

Saturday, August 2, 2014


     Everyday we make the choice to follow the same dotted line that we have consistently followed or veer off the path into something possibly rewarding and completely fulfilling. To some the idea of taking said risk is frightening and dangerous, but to others who have taken the chance before, they know the feel of capturing the great dreams they were chasing after with every muscle in their body. As your fingers collapse and tighten around that moment in time, there's nothing better.
     Blake Lively could've played it safe for the rest of her life. She is already a well accomplished actress, sought after by fashion designers for her brilliant style, and she does this all with a well placed head on her shoulders.  So, when she announced Preserve, I was pretty surprised by this initiative in a completely different direction.
  If you haven't visited it has a little bit of everything from recipes to the gorgeous Greater Good Section. With every click, you will gather that has a real sense of community captured in every link. I won't go into detail-why should I ruin the feast for the eyes that waits you, but I will talk to you about the fashion piece.
     Within this site, you will find a couple of different fashion moments scattered throughout. The Shop window features many different types of items for sale and you will find garments peppered throughout(you do have the ability to break the shop page down by category as well). Surprise here-not just  Ladies clothing-menswear is available on here too(get ready to buy something stylish for the gentlemen in your life).  All items feel vey American Classic to me, flowy, well thought out, and most importantly beautiful.  My favorite piece I have to mention is the Pleated Skirt(which is a coming soon item). It's a very easily transformed piece that can go from nautical to feminine/floral very easily.  If the money's in the bank when this comes in, I might have to add it to my ever growing collection!
     You will also want to make a stop at the style articles.  Each story feels well thought out, smart, and the best part is that there's a link to shop the looks pictured. So as you are reading, get ready to dream yourself into each garment.
   Really, it would have been very simple for Blake Lively to live out her life not going for this opportunity that you can clearly seen she is passionate about, but she did it with flying colors and I commend her. I know as one Fashionista to the next that it is very challenging to air your thoughts out as if they were your laundry hanging to dry, but it's the most beautiful thing inviting your new friends that dare to take a moment out of their day to read a piece of your heart.  I look forward to our next moment together and until then my friends, Let you Fashionista Flag Fly!